修了記念文集:proceedings AYUMI


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Once every six manths, to commemorate the completion of each course, the students put together samples of their work in a booklet entitled 'Ayumi".
Please have a look at some of the students' efforts in the following sample pages.

pdficon_large.png(1397 byte)AYUMI

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※ Please download be done in the responsibility of the individual.
※ Adobe Reader is required to view the contents (in pdf file). Click on the image left to download the latest version for free. In case of any errors in viewing above pdf files, you may need to also install an "Asian font pack " for Japanese, downloadable from here .
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□お世話になったサイト:使用素材サイト五十音順:material site, thanks a lot!

あんずいろ http://www8.plala.or.jp/p_dolce/index.html
自然いっぱいの素材集 http://www.ne.jp/asahi/syaraku/kichinyado/
ヒバナ http://hibana.rgr.jp/
ひまわりの小部屋 http://www.aikis.or.jp/~himafp/index.htm
ゆんフリー写真素材集 http://www.yunphoto.net/jp/

web master


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